otl aicher 100

Grasping Handles

Photo: Timm Rautert

Limited Edition

FSB 1305

Getting where we want to

Otl Aicher Pictograms

Allgau poly­math, graphic de­signer and college founder Otl Aicher would have turned 100 in 2022. Just how topical his work remains is un­der­lined by the many ex­hi­bi­tions, events and pub­li­ca­tions marking the cen­te­nary of his birth. We, too, have much to thank him for and are eager to enter into di­a­logue.

Let’s talk about Otl!

Do you want to have a say? In ad­di­tion to food for thought, the tiles provide nu­mer­ous anec­dotes from our valu­able col­lab­o­ra­tion with Otl. Find out what in­spired Otl for our logo and what rules a hand reach­ing for the door handle follows. Let the limited edition of the FSB 1305 de­signed by Otl impress you or access one of the nu­mer­ous events that we ac­com­pany in his honor.

Access to Otl is diverse and so is – we are sure – a dis­course that honors him. We look forward to the ex­change and welcome you to our In­sta­gram profile

Otl Aicher and FSB

Four-Point Guide to
Good Grip

Limited Edition

Getting where we
want to

University project