
Natural beauty with a noble touch

Fit­tings in bronze acquire added ra­di­ance over the years. They acquire a very special aes­thetic appeal in the course of being used that tes­ti­fies to a cred­i­ble process of ageing and to some­thing gained through change.

Patina should not be un­der­stood as dam­ag­ing the ma­te­r­ial. It is rather a sign of cred­i­ble aging and prof­it­ing from change. Bronze is not a ma­te­r­ial which is not used up, it is just used.

For our fit­tings, we use a cop­per-tin alloy with 92 % copper and 8 % tin, which is called CuSn8, or ma­te­r­ial no. 2.1030. This com­po­si­tion is char­ac­terised by high strength and it is very hard. Its re­sis­tance to wear makes it suit­able for heavily stressed prod­ucts which are used every day.

The bronze fit­tings with FSB 7615 and FSB 7625 fin­ishes finish are first pol­ished and then pre­treated using a process es­pe­cially de­vel­oped by FSB.

Im­mer­sion in a bath for metals con­tain­ing copper im­i­tates the ma­te­r­ial’s natural aging process. With this pre-ag­ing, we create a typical bronze patina, which is just as good as that pro­duced nat­u­rally. The final waxing in the factory, pro­tects it from ex­ter­nal in­flu­ences which would lead to dis­coloura­tion of un­treated sur­faces. On request, pre-ag­ing with a dark pati­na­tion is pos­si­ble as version 7615.

An­timi­cro­bial action and surface hygiene

Owing to the in­creas­ing oc­cur­rence or an­tibi­otic-re­sis­tant germs, FSB’s bronze takes on a new sig­nif­i­cance owing to its bac­te­ri­cide effect. Crit­i­cal studies in the USA and in Great Britain show that bac­te­ria on copper alloy sur­faces are 99.9 % killed off after two hours at the latest. This group of bac­te­ria in­cludes the Me­thi­cillin-re­sis­tant Staphy­lo­coc­cus aureus (MRSA), one of the most vir­u­lent and dan­ger­ous germs known.

When the pre­scribed hy­gienic mea­sures are carried out at the same time, it was con­firmed that con­t­a­m­i­na­tion was pre­vented by more than 99 %. Owing to this fact this char­ac­ter­is­tic of the copper alloy used by FSB, called CuSn8 (UNS des­ig­na­tion C52100) has been of­fi­cially taken up by the EPA (En­vi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency) into US build­ing reg­u­la­tions, US reg­is­tra­tion number 82012-2.

Additional information on fittings in Bronze


FSB 7615

Bronze Light
Pati­nated Waxed

FSB 7625

Bronze Dark
Pati­nated Waxed

Illustrative projects