Aluminium + colour

A multi-colour range supplied upon request

Coloured door and window fit­tings have found some recog­ni­tion in the mar­ket­place in recent decades. Often, they were the sole ar­chi­tec­tural design element in the grey con­crete land­scape. Today they have a firmly es­tab­lished place in the fit­tings in­dus­try’s product range.

FSB sees itself pri­mar­ily as a man­u­fac­turer of door and window fit­tings made of fine metals. FSB offers a limited range of painted fit­tings. When making your enquiry, please specify the RAL number of the re­quired colour. Account must always be taken of the fact that slight vari­a­tions in colour can arise in man­u­fac­ture, due the ma­te­ri­als and the process in­volved.

As its basic ma­te­r­ial for painted fit­tings, FSB uses the cast and ground alu­minium models from its stan­dard range. Before paint­ing, the parts are subject to a special, anodic ox­i­da­tion. FSB then uses elec­tro­sta­tic powder coating. This is a sol­vent­free paint­ing process.

The paint is applied in layers of approx. 80 μm. The quality of the finish, the light fast­ness of the colours, the hard­ness of the surface, re­sis­tance to abra­sion etc. ap­prox­i­mately cor­re­spond to that of an­odised alu­minium layers.

Oc­ca­sion­ally FSB is asked whether we can supply door handles made of round ma­te­r­ial in designs made of painted stain­less steel or steel. In con­trast to using alu­minium as the base ma­te­r­ial, es­pe­cially when using steel, there is a risk of cor­ro­sion if the surface is damaged. We ask for your un­der­stand­ing, that for such special ver­sions, we cannot accept any li­a­bil­ity and must exclude any guar­an­tee for the product.

If prop­erly fitted and used prop­erly, the paint on FSB fit­tings will with­stand daily use. Vig­or­ous contact with hard and sharp-edged objects (e.g. rings, keys, boxes etc.) can scratch the surface. Scratches do not however impair func­tion.


FSB 8120

Jet Black, ap­prox­i­mat­ing to RAL 9005, matt

FSB 8220

Traffic White, ap­prox­i­mat­ing to RAL 9016, glossy
FSB 9020
Pure White, ap­prox­i­mat­ing to RAL 9010, glossy

FSB 8876

Pale Bronze Colour, Similar to C31, Velvety Matt

FSB 8877

Light Bronze Colour, Similar to C32, Velvety Matt

Illustrative projects

Detached house Lichterfelde

studio karhard®

Residential building Pliscia, Enneberg

pedev­illa ar­chitek­ten