Materials + finishes

The stuff of which handles are made

We have cham­pi­oned the ben­e­fits of ma­te­ri­als such as alu­minium, stain­less steel, and bronze from the very outset (that’s more than 140 years ago). There are good reasons for so doing: metals and the hard­ware they go to make are peer­lessly re­silient and durable.

Metals with typ­i­cally FSB-re­fined fin­ishes exude a time­less el­e­gance, what’s more, that leaves their syn­thetic ma­te­r­ial coun­ter­parts lan­guish­ing. FSB ex­clu­sively works high-qual­ity, long-lived, proven metals, either al­low­ing them to retain their natural charm and colour or adorn­ing them with ex­ceed­ingly durable stains and coat­ings.

Nu­mer­ous of the most pro­found at­trib­utes of FSB prod­ucts are para­dox­i­cally dis­cernible on the surface: ma­chin­ing and re­fin­ing processes, many of which are patented, see chem­i­cal, me­chan­i­cal and manual op­er­a­tions merge to unique effect in the product and its finish – prop­er­ties that, as well as catch­ing the eye, can also be grasped by our hands.