The FSB 1102 model is rooted in Alessan­dro Mendini’s re­design of the cel­e­brated Gropius lever handle, which he re­fash­ioned by using a dif­fer­ent ma­te­r­ial and adding a groove. The remodel was one of his sub­mis­sions to FSB’s Design Work­shop held in 1986. We now supply the FSB 1102 in three ma­te­ri­als but would rec­om­mend using the stain­less steel or bronze vari­ants on heavily used doors.

Window handle

34 1102
Window handle

Lift/slide door handles

34 1102 021
Lift/slide door handles

Product range

Lever/lever sets


Sets for narrow-stile doors

Lever/knob sets

Bathroom sets

Window handles