It was the ar­chi­tect Robert Mal­let-Stevens (1886–1945)who hit upon the idea of split­ting a round tube in two and mitring the ends back to­gether again at right angles. His cre­ation is now known as the ‘Frank­furt model’. Re­dis­cov­ered in Frank­furt when the ar­chi­tec­ture museum there was rebuilt, the handle pro­ceeded to take the market by storm.

Door handle for framed doors

09 1076
Door handle for framed doors
06 1076
Door handle for framed doors

Window handle

34 1076
Window handle

Lift/slide door handles

34 1076 011
Lift/slide door handles

Product range

Lever/lever sets


Sets for narrow-stile doors

Lever/knob sets

Bathroom sets

Window handles