Ar­chi­tect Jürgen Engel has come up with a col­lec­tion of door and window handles in FSB 1271/1272 that are fully geared towards the needs of modern civic/com­mer­cial con­struc­tion and deliver maximum visual con­ti­nu­ity. FSB 1272 is an EN 179 variant with re­turn-to-door. The geom­e­try of the various door handles is vir­tu­ally iden­ti­cal to that of the window handles. With its flat curving front face and gently rounded area at the back, the FSB 1271/1272 fuses pre­ci­sion with comfort.

Door handle for framed doors

06 1272
Door handle for framed doors

Window handle

34 1271
Window handle

Lift/slide door handles

34 1271 011
Lift/slide door handles

Product range

Lever/lever sets


Sets for narrow-stile doors

Lever/knob sets

Bathroom sets

Window handles