FSB 1119 in­cor­po­rates in­sights gained by FSB in co-op­er­a­tion with the Fraun­hofer In­sti­tute (FSB 1155). Whereas the utmost im­por­tance was given to the rig­or­ous im­ple­men­ta­tion of er­gonomic pa­ra­me­ters when putting FSB 1155 to effect, in the case of FSB 1119 con­sid­er­a­tions of style pre­dom­i­nated.

Door handle for framed doors

09 1119
Door handle for framed doors
06 1119
Door handle for framed doors

Window handle

34 1107
Window handle

Product range

Lever/lever sets


Sets for narrow-stile doors

Lever/knob sets

Bathroom sets

Window handles