Product overview

Discover the FSB product range

FSB is a global leader in aes­thet­i­cally and func­tion­ally high-qual­ity hard­ware so­lu­tions for doors and windows as well as bar­rier-free san­i­tary fit­tings. Our durable prod­ucts offer re­li­able func­tion­al­ity and give you the as­sur­ance that you have made the right de­ci­sion. In close co­op­er­a­tion with renowned ar­chi­tects and de­sign­ers from all over the world, we create so­phis­ti­cated, high-qual­ity so­lu­tions in Brakel, East West­phalia, which are per­fectly matched to all build­ing el­e­ments. Every­thing in the en­closed space that is con­nected with handles and grips is served by FSB from a single source.

Product overview