FSB 1289 product collection

Design: Markus Michalski + Michael Schmidt

With its new-age, pared-down styling, FSB 1289 is a treat both for the eye and any hand that takes hold of it. The juries for ac­claimed awards were duly im­pressed. The product col­lec­tion from the hands of de­sign­ers Markus Michal­ski and Michael Schmidt gar­nered the “Best of Best” ac­co­lade at the “ICONIC AWARDS 2022: In­no­v­a­tive Ar­chi­tec­ture” and is a “Winner” in the “2023 German Design Awards”.

Up-to-the minute in every sense

The quality that sets FSB apart in­vari­ably reveals itself in the form, func­tion and crafts­man­ship of our prod­ucts. FSB 1289 has been pared down in a par­tic­u­larly elegant manner: thin as it may look from the front, the er­gonom­ics of its op­er­a­tion are nev­er­the­less im­pec­ca­ble due to its well-pro­por­tioned grip­ping volume.

The ex­ten­sive product col­lec­tion’s formal co­he­sive­ness is very much in tune with the age, more­over, taking account of all types of door and window. FSB 1289 ac­quires a very special allure in a Blasted Alu­minium Black An­odised finish that brings out the full effect of the handle’s design to par­tic­u­larly stylish effect.

The product col­lec­tion is ad­di­tion­ally sup­plied in a Pol­ished Silver An­odised Alu­minium finish (FSB 0105).

Any­thing that’s made well, should also be de­signed to be time­less. We always aim to achieve syn­er­gies in pro­duc­tion processes and make re­spon­si­ble use of re­sources when man­u­fac­tur­ing items. Con­tribut­ing greatly to this is the re­cy­clable ma­te­r­ial Alu­minium that we have se­lected for this handle range.


Models for stan­dard and nar­row-stile doors are aug­mented by vari­ants for emer­gency-exit doors, a window and a lifting/sliding door handle, a tee handle for windows, plug-in handles for doors and windows and a lockset plate for glass doors. FSB 1290 is a variant cer­ti­fied to EN 179 fea­tur­ing what is known as a re­turn-to-door.

Award-winning design

The FSB 1289 model has now also con­vinced the jury of experts at the iF DESIGN AWARDS, which awarded the design "Winner" in the "Build­ing Tech­nol­ogy" cat­e­gory. In ad­di­tion, the FSB 1289 range re­cently won the In­ter­na­tional Design Award (IDA) 2022 as well as the pres­ti­gious German Design Award 2023. The pre­vi­ous year, the design had already won the GOOD DESIGN® Award 2022, pre­sented by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Ar­chi­tec­ture and Design and The Eu­ro­pean Centre for Ar­chi­tec­ture Art Design and Urban Studies.

The FSB 1289 model also won the "Best of Best" award in the "Product - Build­ing Tech­nolo­gies" cat­e­gory at the "Iconic Awards 2022: In­no­v­a­tive Ar­chi­tec­ture" - and took 1st place in the online voting for the "bdia aus­ge­sucht!" award.

The designers interviewed

We were intent on coming up with a design that is not loud and yet con­tains many points of fine detail that become ap­par­ent either upon closer in­spec­tion or when the handle is taken hold of and op­er­ated. Now we're simply thrilled at how well our blue­print has chimed with cus­tomers and juries. A very special type of man­u­fac­tur­ing is re­quired to produce FSB 1289 with all its fine detail, one that entails unique skills of hand-crafts­man­ship that only FSB can deliver.

One product collection – one geometry

Door handle fitting

The FSB 1289/1290 model au­thored by de­sign­ers Markus Michal­ski and Michael Schmidt boasts up-to-the-minute, pared down styling. Its elegant, finely nuanced flow of lines at the front exudes a clarity that is a joy to behold. The user’s hand is ca­ressed by well-pro­por­tioned cur­va­ture on the inside of the handle that makes for sump­tu­ous, er­gonom­i­cally “soft” grip­ping.

Door handle fitting
Door handle fitting
34 1289
Window handle
34 1289
Lift/slide door handles
15 1289
Plug-in handle for doors
06 1290
Door handle for framed doors
Door handle fitting
Door handle fitting
34 1289
Window handle
34 1289
Lift/slide door handles
15 1289
Plug-in handle for doors
06 1290
Door handle for framed doors
Door handle fitting
Door handle fitting
34 1289
Window handle
34 1289
Lift/slide door handles
15 1289
Plug-in handle for doors
06 1290
Door handle for framed doors

One with the formal vocabulary

FSB 1289 also blends in par­tic­u­larly well with our door pulls (FSB 66 6550 – 66 6552) and slid­ing-door handles (FSB 42 4260 – 42 4265), whose styling is fe­lic­i­tously re­flected in the handle grip’s flat front face and rear bulk­i­ness.

Left: 42 4260 Right: 42 4263
Slid­ing-door pulls
here: Alu­minium black an­odised

66 6550
Pull handle
here: Alu­minium black an­odised