FSB plug-in handles for doors and windows

Uniquely minimalist

FSB pro­vides the where­withal for fitting handles of con­sis­tent design and ma­te­r­ial to doors and windows from the cellar right up to the loft. FSB’s plug-in handles for in­ter­nal doors follow on from those for windows and embody the same prin­ci­ple.

FSB Plug-in handles for in­ter­nal doors

The formal and func­tional qual­i­ties of FSB’s plug-in handle come into their own wher­ever, in keeping with the adage “less is more”, par­tic­u­lar store is set by good design and un­ob­tru­sive el­e­gance.

FSB Plug-in handles for timber, metal and PVC windows

What a dif­fer­ence less can make! With its rad­i­cally pared-down rose, the FSB plug-in handle is ideal for any window profile – whether timber, metal or PVC. There is nothing re­duc­tion­ist about the range of vari­ants avail­able, though: await­ing as­sem­bly are ca. 30 dif­fer­ent handle designs in Alu­minium, Stain­less Steel, Brass and Bronze.

Further information
FSB plug-in handles for internal doors

Further information
FSB Plug-in handles for timber and metal windows