Single parts and accessories

If you have a choice, you're not spoiled for choice at FSB. Square instead of round rose? Fancy a dif­fer­ent lever handle design? Need a spare part? FSB adapter tech­nol­ogy opens the door to a pre­vi­ously unknown degree of flex­i­bil­ity. The ap­pro­pri­ate FSB ac­ces­sories ensure a perfect fit with the prod­ucts in our range.

Overview of individual parts and accessories

Single door handles

Single door handles are a suit­able choice for you if you need a simple re­place­ment for a de­fec­tive door handle or want to change the style of your door handles. The pre­req­ui­site is the pres­ence of already mounted FSB hard­ware in the adapter tech­nol­ogy. FSB door handles are easy and quick to install and usually require only a few screws.

Roses and back­plates

Roses and back­plates are com­po­nents that com­plete a door lever set. They are dec­o­ra­tive covers that are mounted around the lever handle to create an elegant finish. Both can come in a variety of ma­te­ri­als, colors and designs to suit your per­sonal style.


Doorstop­pers for floor and wall mount­ing: from stain­less steel and alu­minum to bronze. Op­tional shims, for example in black finish, em­pha­size the elegant ap­pear­ance and ad­di­tion­ally protect your am­bi­ence. And the variety is con­vinc­ing; Whether se­cur­ing wood screw, alu­minum in natural colors or even classic sim­plic­ity, such as stops made of black rubber.

In­stal­la­tion tech­nol­ogy

When op­er­at­ing door handle sets, not in­con­sid­er­able forces occur. This applies in par­tic­u­lar to fit­tings on doors that are fre­quently used. Only care­fully drilled and mounted door fit­tings guar­an­tee trou­ble-free use in the long term. Our drilling tem­plates are easy to use and enable precise and fast in­stal­la­tion.