RoMed clinic and kbo Inn Salzach clinic at Wasserburg am Inn

Sweco GmbH


07 0802
Knob for framed doors

07 0802
Knob for framed doors

Two clinics in one

The Royal Bavar­ian Home for Pa­tients with Nervous Dis­or­ders was es­tab­lished as a park­land clinic at Wasser­burg am Inn in 1883, when an array of in­di­vid­ual build­ings and pavil­ions were erected within around 125 acres of un­spoilt coun­try­side. Two sep­a­rate health­care in­sti­tu­tions are now un­der­go­ing a pi­o­neer­ing merger on the site – the somatic RoMed Wasser­burg am Inn Clinic with 130 beds and the kbo Inn Salzach Clinic for Psy­chi­a­try and Neu­rol­ogy with 528 beds.

It goes without saying that the astute de­ci­sion to create a common lo­ca­tion for the two by com­pre­hen­sively ex­tend­ing the ex­ist­ing en­sem­ble of build­ings greatly ben­e­fits pa­tients, who now have access to ex­per­tise from the most diverse of spheres. A sus­tain­abil­ity-dri­ven de­ci­sion was more­over made to provide jointly usable func­tion areas such as a lab­o­ra­tory and ra­di­ol­ogy unit along with a central re­cep­tion area, a cafe­te­ria and a canteen. Despite the two in­sti­tu­tions being housed in sep­a­rate struc­tures, the jointly used fa­cil­i­ties are located in a central con­nect­ing section.

The new build­ings are ar­tic­u­lated in thor­oughly con­tem­po­rary forms and ma­te­ri­als whilst nev­er­the­less ref­er­enc­ing the ar­chi­tec­ture of the listed clin­i­cal struc­tures pre­dat­ing them on the site. They echo the latters’ flat pavil­ion style of con­struc­tion and their three storeys have been slotted into the verdant hilly land­scape in such a way as to each be ac­ces­si­ble at ground level. The ven­er­a­ble at­mos­phere of the clinic lo­ca­tion has been re­tained in the process. And the various struc­tures have been clev­erly laid out so as to afford a clear view out towards the Alps to the south from each build­ing.

Architecture and Object

Claudia Specht, Sweco GmbH
Photo: © Daniel SchvarcZ

“Our prime ob­jec­tive is to produce a vi­su­ally co­her­ent overall entity with which pa­tients, vis­i­tors and staff can iden­tify,” one of the Sweco ar­chi­tects ex­plains. “We take plea­sure in re­sort­ing to models from FSB’s wide-rang­ing product port­fo­lio since they help make it pos­si­ble for us to design the clinic complex in a co­he­sive end-to-end manner.”

Architecture that helps people get better

It isn’t just the Alpine views that give a boost to the work put in by the medical staff at Wasser­burg either. Ther­a­peu­tic gardens planted in front of the build­ings form an in­te­gral part of the treat­ment regime. The ar­chi­tec­ture, too, is geared towards en­gen­der­ing a pos­i­tive, healing effect right down to fine points of detail such as beds placed length­wise against the wall that are con­ducive to pa­tients feeling more secure. Hor­i­zon­tal façade banding in the form of ceramic panels wraps itself round each of the new build­ings like a uni­fy­ing curtain. The façade’s green and earthy colour­ing mirrors the sur­round­ing coun­try­side whilst large ex­panses of glass ef­fec­tively bring the natural world into the build­ings.

The sec­tions con­nect­ing the various units soften the impact of their large overall size and impart an agree­able sense of scale to the un­der­tak­ing. Opting for handles from the FSB 1070 range was only logical given their re­strained, time­less styling. The clients and ar­chi­tects made a unan­i­mous choice for stain­less steel fin­ishes that blend in well with the colours and ma­te­ri­als adopted for the clinic build­ings. The fit­tings meet the rel­e­vant re­quire­ments re­gard­ing hygiene, health and safety at work, and func­tion­al­ity to the full.

Account was also taken of the need to deter acts of suicide in some areas of the clinic by com­bin­ing the model with the door­knob se­lected (sui­cide-de­ter­rent: FSB 96 7099 lever handle, FSB 96 2399 door­knob). Par­tic­u­lar at­ten­tion was paid to bar­rier-free so­lu­tions.

Object details

Photos 1-5 and Teaser image: kbo-Inn-Salzach Klinikum ©Daniel Schvarcz, Photos 6-8: RoMed Klinik © Sweco Rony Kahle


RoMed Klinik und kbo-Inn-Salzach-Klinikum Wasserburg Inn

Gabersee 7,
83512 Wasser­burg am Inn,

Anfahrt planen
