Procuratie Vecchie Venice

David Chipperfield Architects


34 1004
Window handle

FSB 1004 by David Chip­per­field bears the hall­mark of the Mod­ernist pi­o­neers. It is un­der­pinned by a clean-lined formal concept that meets all func­tional re­quire­ments giving ex­pres­sion to his formal idea in both public and private spheres.

34 1004
Window handle
Door handle fitting

Procurators’ Offices open to public

Famed the world over for its mag­nif­i­cent façade over­look­ing Venice’s piazza San Marco, the Procu­ratie Vecchie build­ing has now been re­fur­bished root-and-branch by David Chip­per­field. Parts of these Procu­ra­tors’ Offices, which were built some 500 years ago, is now ac­ces­si­ble to the general public for the first time in their long history. The build­ing is just under 500 feet long and orig­i­nally con­tained the procu­ra­tors’ ad­min­is­tra­tive and life­long res­i­den­tial premises.

The north­ern wing was the first part of the en­sem­ble to be built and is con­sid­ered one of Venice’s finest ex­am­ples of Re­nais­sance ar­chi­tec­ture. Several ar­chi­tects helped lend shape to the build­ing, fore­most amongst them the Flo­ren­tine Jacopo Sanso­vino. The links between the his­toric struc­ture and in­sur­ers Gen­er­ali, the com­mis­sioner, go back a long way.

The company rented offices in the build­ing from the very moment of its being set up in 1831 and now owns most of the entire north­ern wing. A key element of Chip­per­field’s brief in­volved cre­at­ing spaces for a foun­da­tion es­tab­lished by Gen­er­ali en­ti­tled “The Human Safety Net”. Thus, while the insurer’s offices occupy the first and second floors, the attic is home to ex­hi­bi­tion spaces for the foun­da­tion as well as ac­com­mo­dat­ing an au­di­to­rium, a café, a library, con­gre­ga­tional areas and open work­spaces.

Architecture and Object

David Chip­per­field
Photo: © David Chip­per­field Ar­chi­tects

“Re­pair­ing, re­unit­ing and adapt­ing the many layers of this his­toric struc­ture,” as the ar­chi­tect David Chip­per­field himself says of the project, “was a highly complex yet re­ward­ing chal­lenge that demon­strated to us once again just how pow­er­ful ar­chi­tec­ture is both as phys­i­cal sub­stance and as a process of co­op­er­a­tive en­deav­our.”

Repaired, united, adapted

One major change made under the gen­er­ally very cau­tious ap­proach adopted is the ad­di­tion of a new stair­well to serve the re­vamped attic storey. The stairs are located cen­trally between the build­ing’s court­yards and cul­mi­nate in a new “central pavil­ion” that admits light to the stair­well and affords access to the two ad­join­ing roof ter­races. The en­filade-style arrange­ment of spaces on the attic floor gives a sense for the first time of just how long this, a build­ing pri­mar­ily con­fig­ured along the ver­ti­cal axis, ac­tu­ally is.

The brick­work in walls orig­i­nally serving a purely struc­tural purpose has been exposed. The tall, cir­cu­lar-topped, cast-stone portals in­serted repli­cate the arches in the outer façade whilst also un­der­scor­ing the space’s length. The con­scious use made of tra­di­tional ma­te­ri­als and tech­niques for the re­fur­bish­ment is plain to see. The angular stair­way, for example, is made up of ter­razzo steps and sec­tions painstak­ingly lime-grouted. Ancient tech­niques such as coc­ciopesto or pastel­lone were adopted for the floor­ing, fur­ther­more.

David Chip­per­field was, of course, able to resort to one of his own handle designs for this project. Its styl­is­tic in­debt­ed­ness to the pi­o­neers of Mod­ernism notwith­stand­ing, his FSB 1004 model is ideally suited to the his­tor­i­cal setting of the Procu­ratie Vecchie. Handles in Dark Pati­nated Waxed Bronze have been fitted. The foun­da­tion’s premises in the build­ing’s attic have been open to the public since April 2022. Amongst the items on offer is a per­ma­nent ex­hi­bi­tion en­ti­tled “The World of Po­ten­tial” that ex­plores the role tech­nol­ogy can play in ac­quir­ing social skills.

Object Details

Photos: Alberto Parise


Procuratie Vecchie Venedig

P.​za San Marco, 105,
30124 Venezia VE,

Anfahrt planen