Kant Garages Berlin

Nalbach + Nalbach, Johanne Nalbach


Door handle fitting

FSB pays tribute to the revered Ludwig Mies van der Rohe with this design. The FSB 1267 is more than just a replica of an orig­i­nal Mies van der Rohe lever handle, however. While re­tain­ing the formal thrust of its fore­bears, our in­ter­pre­ta­tion also con­forms to pre­sent-day stan­dards and the re­quire­ments of modern ar­chi­tec­ture – now in stain­less steel.

Door handle fitting
Door handle fitting
Door handle fitting
Door handle fitting
Door handle fitting

Listed multistorey car park

What do the famous Château de Cham­bord and Europe’s oldest mul­ti­storey car park have in common? Dou­ble-spi­ral means of access and ascent. The Kant Garages built in the Berlin borough of Char­lot­ten­burg in 1929/1930 feature a dou­ble-spi­ral ramp that was di­rectly in­spired by the stair­case in the French château in the Loire valley. Com­plete seg­re­ga­tion of the lanes in and out is not the build­ing’s only note­wor­thy ar­chi­tec­tural asset, however, which is why the Kant Garages now jus­ti­fi­ably enjoy listed-mon­u­ment status. But it was not until 2013 that protests by various figures from culture and ar­chi­tec­ture led to in­ten­si­fied public debate about the build­ing, which had served as a high-rise car park with en suite filling station and garage fa­cil­i­ties for more than 83 years by then.

So taken by the “Kant Garage Palace” was Dirk Gädeke, its owner since 2017, that he tasked Johanne Nalbach (Nalbach+Nalbach Ar­chi­tects) with plan­ning its future. Despite the great in­ter­est shown, no eco­nom­i­cal means of saving the build­ing had been arrived at hith­erto. But the com­mit­ted, heart­felt blue­print the ar­chi­tect and her team have now come up with ensures the Kant Garages’ glazed curtain wall, the only one of its kind world­wide, can con­tinue to be ap­pre­ci­ated. Mod­ern-day tech­ni­cal and en­ergy-re­lated re­quire­ments notwith­stand­ing, its del­i­cate struc­tur­ing has been pre­served by in­sert­ing a further layer of glass behind it.

Though the plans foresaw com­pletely re­pur­pos­ing this “unique trans­port mon­u­ment of na­tional sig­nif­i­cance”, traces of the struc­ture’s pre­vi­ous func­tional iden­tity abound. Plan­ning pro­ceeded in close con­sul­ta­ton with the con­ser­va­tion au­thor­i­ties through­out. The arrival of stil­w­erk in the Kant Garages has turned them into a lo­ca­tion housing show­rooms, open ex­hi­bi­tion spaces and cater­ing fa­cil­i­ties. The spi­ralling ramps now serve as im­pos­ing spaces for chang­ing ex­hi­bi­tions – along the lines of the Guggen­heim ramp. Large glass doors at the ends of the ramps create a tan­gi­ble im­pres­sion of the various floors having once been con­tin­u­ously ne­go­tiable – as, indeed, they still are today.

Architecture and Object

Photo: Nalbach + Nalbach Ar­chitek­ten, Pro­fes­sorin Johanne Nalbach

“The mar­vel­lous thing about these Garages,” the ar­chi­tect for the project en­thuses, “is that they have re­mained vir­tu­ally un­changed since 1930. All still in place are some of the orig­i­nal Hein­richs booths in which cars were once parked – with their unique sliding doors built by Messrs Paul Hein­richs of Berlin –, the car-wash units, the glazed curtain wall at the back of the build­ing and one of only two dou­ble-spi­ral ramps to be found any­where in Europe – a ‘Guggen­heim ramp’ that is ideal for the holding of ex­hi­bi­tions.”

Period park-house architecture and modern design

The floor surface is that which was once tra­versed by motor ve­hi­cles, whilst a total of six her­itage parking boothes have been in­stalled on three floors, com­plete with their orig­i­nal metal roller-track doors, that simply ooze in­dus­trial charm. In ad­di­tion, the orig­i­nal colour scheme has been re­tained both inside and out. And yet, what was once a “place of luxury for the motor car” in which 300 ve­hi­cles could be ac­com­mo­dated – each booth being lock­able and equipped with central heating for its tender tenants along with its own power sockets and car-wash fa­cil­i­ties – is now a place in which to meet and live out design. The ground floor con­tains a wide range of cater­ing ser­vices, a concept store and far more besides. Show­rooms occupy the upper storeys, though the very top floor is given over to of­fic­ing. Linking all is the period ramp, which leads flow­ingly from ground level upwards.

Johanne Nalbach had a sin­gle-storey garage di­rectly ad­ja­cent de­mol­ished and re­placed with a 61-room hotel that is now like­wise being run by stil­w­erk. Rather than just another holiday des­ti­na­tion, it is in­tended to serve as a source of in­spi­ra­tion “for design afi­ciona­dos keen on ex­pe­ri­enc­ing fur­ni­ture in a re­lax­ing at­mos­phere and on trying out living with it for a while,” is how the hotel’s man­ager­ess for­mu­lates her es­tab­lish­ment’s busi­ness concept.

Door handles by FSB can be tried out in stil­w­erk’s Kant Garages, too – the FSB 1267 model on HPL doors and FSB 1268 on steel-frame doors. “The handle res­onates with the age that spawned the Kant Garages in the way it pays tribute to Mies van der Rohe,” ar­chi­tect Johanne Nalbach says of her choice, “and, with its sober, time­less design, sits well with the build­ing’s ar­chi­tec­tural iden­tity.” The handles have been fitted in a Matt Black variant ap­prox­i­mat­ing to RAL 9005.

Object Details

Photos: Ken Schlucht­mann, diephotodesigner.​de



10625 Berlin,

Anfahrt planen