Product collection FSB 1292

From Foster + Partners

Foster + Part­ners is a global studio for ar­chi­tec­ture, ur­ban­ism and design, rooted in sus­tain­abil­ity. The focus is on people in their sur­round­ing en­vi­ron­ment. Reach­ing for the door handle is often the first contact with a build­ing.

At your fingertips

Form and ma­te­ri­al­ity reflect a coming to­gether of crafts­man­ship and in­dus­trial pro­duc­tion. The design follows the gentle, tactile geom­e­try of hand­formed shapes and lines.

Al­though ex­tremely dif­fi­cult to define math­e­mat­i­cally, to the eye and hand the shape is very simple. It is the line that traces the in­ter­face between sculp­ture and in­dus­trial man­u­fac­ture. The soft lines and rounded edges cast an elegant play of light. And the “soft shape” fits easily in the palm of the hand.

Get more in­for­ma­tion about the product col­lec­tion FSB 1292 di­rectly from the brochure or in a per­sonal meeting.

Alessa Kaiser
Head of project and order centre
+49 5272 608-200

Recognizable at every touch

To­gether with FSB, the de­sign­ers at Foster + Part­ners In­dus­trial Design ex­am­ined his­tor­i­cal and con­tem­po­rary every­day objects to un­der­stand how we use every­day objects to in­ter­act with the outside world.

They ul­ti­mately used the ob­served pat­terns of grip and tactile sen­sa­tions to develop the product col­lec­tion FSB 1292 – made in Germany of alu­minium, stain­less steel and bronze, and in a broad variety of first-rate fin­ishes. The com­pre­hen­sive product col­lec­tion FSB 1292 con­sists of three dif­fer­ent ver­sions of the handle and re­flects con­sis­tency while sat­is­fy­ing diverse func­tional and tech­ni­cal re­quire­ments.

FSB 1291

FSB 1292

FSB 1293

Product collection FSB 1292

Door handle fitting

FSB 1292 is based on the formal prin­ci­ples of FSB 1291 and mod­i­fies the pro­por­tions of classic door handles. Avail­able in mul­ti­ple ver­sions for diverse re­quire­ments and in con­junc­tion with the EN 179-com­pli­ant model FSB 1293

Door handle fitting
15 1292
Plug-in handle for doors
09 1293
Door handle for framed doors
34 1292
Window handle
34 1292
Lift/slide door handles
66 6666
Pull handle
Door handle fitting
34 1291
Window handle
Door handle fitting
15 1292
Plug-in handle for doors
09 1293
Door handle for framed doors
34 1292
Window handle
34 1292
Lift/slide door handles
66 6666
Pull handle

Mike Holland
Foster + Part­ners In­dus­trial Design

„I believe that we design better prod­ucts when we un­der­stand the ma­te­ri­als and processes used to create them. That's why close col­lab­o­ra­tion with every­one in­volved in the design and man­u­fac­tur­ing of a product is very im­por­tant to us.“