Where every detail is part of a common thread.

Concept of all-embracing cohesion

We thrill to ar­chi­tec­ture that has been metic­u­lously thought through as an overall entity. And any build­ing that is both styl­is­ti­cally and tech­ni­cally com­pelling will conform to a set ar­chi­tec­tural and de­sign-re­lated pattern, a ca­pac­ity for end-to-end co­he­sion that also figures large in FSB’s own DNA. We con­tribute to the cre­ation of out­stand­ing ar­chi­tec­ture and provide a common thread em­brac­ing styl­is­tic con­sis­tency, time­less el­e­gance and premium ma­te­ri­als.

The end-to-end product collection FSB 1267

Door handle fitting

FSB pays tribute to the revered Ludwig Mies van der Rohe with this design. The FSB 1267 is more than just a replica of an orig­i­nal Mies van der Rohe lever handle, however. While re­tain­ing the formal thrust of its fore­bears, our in­ter­pre­ta­tion also con­forms to pre­sent-day stan­dards and the re­quire­ments of modern ar­chi­tec­ture – now in stain­less steel.

Door handle fitting
09 1268
Door handle for framed doors
06 1268
Door handle for framed doors
34 1267
Window handle
Door handle fitting
15 1267
Plug-in handle for doors

Cohesively conceived from one end of a building to the other

We see end-to-end co­he­sion as being a factor linking every­thing in any way as­so­ci­ated with handle culture in ar­chi­tec­ture.

For you, FSB’s common thread adds up to co­he­sive design, con­sis­tent style pa­ra­me­ters and a lasting en­hance­ment of your prop­erty.

Pick up the common thread.

Dis­cover our end-to-end prod­ucts in a face-to-face meeting. We will assist in im­ple­ment­ing your pro­jects with good advice and prac­ti­cal in­volve­ment.