Elegantly timeless:

the FSB 1285 heavy-duty range

Co­op­er­a­tion between Messrs Franz Schnei­der Brakel GmbH + Co KG and noted ar­chi­tects Matteo Thun and Antonio Ro­driguez has yielded a new handle col­lec­tion: FSB 1285. Un­ob­tru­sive el­e­gance rubs shoul­ders with slim-line styling in the new product range. Its time­less design de­liv­ers a wealth of com­pellingly for­mu­lated detail to fa­cil­i­tate co­he­sive so­lu­tions for all manner of de­ploy­ment in en­closed spaces.

Matteo Thun and Antonio Ro­driguez have, with FSB 1285, fash­ioned a heavy-duty range in an elegant formal idiom con­ducive to styl­is­tic co­her­ence over a great many ap­pli­ca­tion sce­nar­ios. FSB 1285 con­sti­tutes a rein­ter­pre­ta­tion of the cranked lever handle as we know it in that achiev­ing the stepped tran­si­tion from the handle’s neck to its grip section merely in­volves ad­just­ing the radius between the two slightly. The hard­ware maker’s latest of­fer­ing thus marries min­i­mal­ist looks to ju­di­ciously for­mu­lated tech­ni­cal detail. Orig­i­nally devised for a hotel project, the range meets the most ex­act­ing tech­ni­cal re­quire­ments for fire and narrow stile doors of premium quality.

Antonio Ro­driguez sees de­sign­ing a product for FSB as being a long-held wish finally come true: “The high quality of FSB’s prod­ucts sits well with our own ap­proach to quality. So, we’re very pleased to have at long last got around to putting a design of our own to prac­ti­cal effect with FSB. ”

Besides lever handles for flush, narrow stile and glass doors and for emer­gency exit devices con­form­ing to DIN EN 179, the new product col­lec­tion also em­braces con­ven­tional window handles, plug-in handles with pared­down roses for doors and windows and a door knob for flush doors. FSB 1285 comes in Alu­minium and is pre­pared for FSB’s ASL®/AGL® bearing systems.

About FSB
FSB is a byword the world over for vi­su­ally and func­tion­ally top-qual­ity hard­ware so­lu­tions for doors and windows, elec­tronic access control and san­i­tary fit-outs. Ar­chi­tects and builders’ clients favour reach­ing out for prod­ucts from Brakel owing to FSB’s great design ex­per­tise and its pro­found un­der­stand­ing of the re­quire­ments of modern con­struc­tion. Every­thing in any way as­so­ci­ated with handle culture in built spaces is catered to from a single source.

Franz Schnei­der
Brakel GmbH + Co KG

Anne Levy
Nieheimer Straße 38
33034 Brakel
Telefon: +49 5272 608-105