Multifunctional FSB 1155 lever handle:

Easy to operate, safe, wards off infectious germs

Various experts are of the opinion that high levels of foot­fall in public build­ings and in­sti­tu­tions in­crease the risk of viruses, bac­te­ria and multi-re­sis­tant pathogens being trans­mit­ted. They argue that the most likely sources of in­fec­tion are objects we reg­u­larly come into contact with. This is pre­cisely what FSB has in mind with its 1155 model: the lever handle's er­gonomic angular design allows it to be op­er­ated either by hand or elbow, thus re­li­ably re­duc­ing the risk of in­fec­tion in all areas of ap­pli­ca­tion.

A premium pro­ducer of door and window fit­tings that have always been made in Germany, way back in the late 1980s FSB got to­gether with the Fraun­hofer In­sti­tute to develop a model that is now more topical than ever. The shape of FSB 1155 arose out of the find­ings of sci­en­tific analy­ses of how to en­gi­neer the ideal lever handle. Its in­no­v­a­tively angular styling enables doors to be con­ve­niently opened and closed without hands having to come into contact with them. Instead, the user achieves optimum results and levels of safety by simply po­si­tion­ing their elbow between the handle and the door. The handle’s handed design pro­vides firm support when the door is opened by elbow. Its tri­an­gu­lar align­ment ac­cu­rately repli­cates the user’s natural se­quence of move­ments when opening or closing the likes of doors and windows and thus makes for a very organic form of op­er­a­tion. This has the ad­di­tional ad­van­tage of al­low­ing doors to be con­ve­niently opened even if the user has their hands full.

FSB 1155 is made of Stain­less Steel, an ex­tremely cor­ro­sion-re­sis­tant ma­te­r­ial that is ad­di­tion­ally im­per­vi­ous to bumps and scratches. It forms an in­vis­i­ble passive layer, more­over, that pro­vides it with a high level of re­sis­tance to clean­ing agents and dis­in­fec­tants. As a means of further min­imis­ing the in­ci­dence of bac­te­ria and multi-re­sis­tant pathogens, these door handles can op­tion­ally be sup­plied with FSB’s in­no­v­a­tive AIC anti-in­fec­tion coating.

These mul­ti­func­tional door levers are ideally suited for de­ploy­ment in heavily fre­quented areas of public build­ings and other types of es­tab­lish­ment such as hos­pi­tals or nursing in­sti­tu­tions. The series is avail­able for fitting to stan­dard, emer­gency-exit and fire doors. The handles can be straight­for­wardly retro­fit­ted at any time and are ro­tat­ably fixed, op­er­at­ing with AGL® bear­ings on an adap­tor-sys­tem basis. FSB is thus once again seen to be a byword for so­phis­ti­cated tech­nol­ogy of the highest order – “made in Germany”.

About FSB
FSB is a byword the world over for vi­su­ally and func­tion­ally top-qual­ity hard­ware so­lu­tions for doors and windows, elec­tronic access control and san­i­tary fit-outs. Ar­chi­tects and builders’ clients favour reach­ing out for prod­ucts from Brakel owing to FSB’s great design ex­per­tise and its pro­found un­der­stand­ing of the re­quire­ments of modern con­struc­tion. Every­thing in any way as­so­ci­ated with handle culture in built spaces is catered to from a single source.

Franz Schnei­der
Brakel GmbH + Co KG

Anne Levy
Nieheimer Straße 38
33034 Brakel
Telefon: +49 5272 608-105