Getting a fresh handle on Mies van der Rohe:

The FSB 1267 range

A re-in­ter­preted lever handle by Franz Schnei­der Brakel GmbH + Co KG pays homage both to the Bauhaus and to the work of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Despite being an utterly new product col­lec­tion, the FSB 1267 range by Hartmut Weise was di­rectly in­spired by models de­signed by the final Bauhaus di­rec­tor Mies van der Rohe. The FSB brand affords fresh in­sights into his­tor­i­cal pro­to­types with this sen­si­tively re­worked series and will for the first time also be pre­sent­ing the model in Stain­less Steel in 2020.

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is con­sid­ered one of the leading ar­chi­tects of Mod­ernism. He ad­dressed himself at length to door handles and their de­tail­ing through­out his career. Many of his build­ing pro­jects were, for in­stance, lent an utterly dis­tinc­tive note by ver­sions of one of his orig­i­nal designs in white bronze. He was aware of the close cor­re­la­tion between a ma­te­r­ial and the patina it gives rise to – it is notably the case with door handles in bronze that, rather than de­te­ri­o­rat­ing in quality with use, they ac­tu­ally become more vi­su­ally al­lur­ing.

FSB de­signer Hartmut Weise an­tic­i­pated the Bauhaus cen­te­nary in 2019 by forging a single new product out of two lever-han­dle models by Mies van der Rohe a year earlier, in 2018. Weise duly de­liv­ered FSB 1267, a fusion of models the former Bauhaus di­rec­tor had fitted in his Lemke House and New Na­tional Gallery pro­jects in Berlin. Though the new door-lever model retains the flowing tran­si­tion between cir­cu­lar neck and flat grip, the fore­fin­ger furrow is reduced to a mere notion and the actual grip has been lev­elled out.

Besides lever handles for flush, narrow stile and glass doors and emer­gency exit devices con­form­ing to DIN EN 179, the new product col­lec­tion also con­tains classic window handles as well as plug-in handles with pared-down roses for doors and windows. FSB 1267 comes in Alu­minum, Brass, Bronze and, from 2020, ad­di­tion­ally in Stain­less Steel and is pre­pared for FSB’s ASL®/AGL® bearing systems.

About FSB
FSB is a byword the world over for vi­su­ally and func­tion­ally top-qual­ity hard­ware so­lu­tions for doors and windows, elec­tronic access control and san­i­tary fit-outs. Ar­chi­tects and builders’ clients favour reach­ing out for prod­ucts from Brakel owing to FSB’s great design ex­per­tise and its pro­found un­der­stand­ing of the re­quire­ments of modern con­struc­tion. Every­thing in any way as­so­ci­ated with handle culture in built spaces is catered to from a single source.

Franz Schnei­der
Brakel GmbH + Co KG

Anne Levy
Nieheimer Straße 38
33034 Brakel
Telefon: +49 5272 608-105