Aluminium Pure by FSB

A ground-breaking innovation with a new look


With its new finish Alu­minium Pure, FSB shows what a great im­pres­sion sus­tain­abil­ity can make. FSB is de­lighted to be the very first man­u­fac­turer of fit­tings to offer this finish.

The final stages of cus­tom­ary alu­minium pro­cess­ing, namely the pol­ish­ing and an­o­dis­ing or powder coating, are left out. The ap­pear­ance of Alu­minium Pure (FSB 0013) prod­ucts is defined by the traces made on its surface by ceramic pellets during the process of slide grind­ing. Several hours of tum­bling the handles in this bath, give the oth­er­wise un­treated surface an organic texture.

Door and window handles with the Alu­minium Pure finish are a perfect match for modern in­te­ri­ors, un­fin­ished con­crete walls and un­treated wood. In ad­di­tion, their charm is en­hanced with the passage of time. Since the surface lacks an an­odised pro­tec­tive layer, it changes over the years in the places where fre­quent hand contact occurs. This patina is already much ap­pre­ci­ated by ar­chi­tects who value FSB’s bronze prod­ucts.

One reason for the pleas­ant feel of alu­minium – the feath­er­weight among metals – is its ability to adapt so well to the ambient tem­per­a­ture. Alu­minium Pure fur­ther­more has an almost soft touch to it and resists abra­sion.

Alu­minium Pure avoids the pro­duc­tion of dust that oth­er­wise arises from pol­ish­ing or blast­ing. The absence of an­o­dis­ing saves water and elec­tric­ity, and makes re­cy­cling easier at the end of the product’s life. Mea­sured against the finish FSB 0105 (natural colour, an­odised), energy con­sump­tion is an im­pres­sive 37 % lower. All the alu­minium used by FSB has a foot­print of 4 kg CO2/kg – just one-quar­ter of the global average. What’s more, the ma­te­r­ial can be re­cy­cled again and again without any losses.

With im­me­di­ate effect, FSB is of­fer­ing the un­ri­valled finish Alu­minium Pure in three of its product col­lec­tions, in­clud­ing FSB 1289 and FSB 1267. The second of these pays homage to the door handle designs of the ar­chi­tect and Bauhaus di­rec­tor Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. His prin­ci­ple, “less is more”, finds its perfect ex­pres­sion in Alu­minium Pure.

About FSB
FSB is a world leader in aes­thetic and func­tional high-qual­ity so­lu­tions for doors and windows. Our durable prod­ucts offer re­li­able func­tion­al­ity and give you the cer­tainty that you have made the right de­ci­sion. In close co­op­er­a­tion with renowned ar­chi­tects and de­sign­ers from all over the world, well-thought-out and high-qual­ity so­lu­tions are created in Brakel, East West­phalia, which are per­fectly matched to all build­ing el­e­ments. Every­thing that is related to handles and pulls within and around the built space, is sin­gle-hand­edly offered by FSB.

Franz Schnei­der
Brakel GmbH + Co KG

Anne Levy
Nieheimer Straße 38
33034 Brakel
Telefon: +49 5272 608-105