Prize-winning design from the house of FSB:

FSB 1289 model wins 2023 German Design Award


The blue­print by de­sign­ers Markus Michal­ski and Michael Schmidt is ex­cit­ingly purist in a very new-age way and has been en­gi­neered to per­fec­tion. A col­lec­tion as vi­su­ally re­strained as it is com­pellingly haptic has now been voted a “Winner” in the “Ex­cel­lent Product Design – Build­ing and El­e­ments” cat­e­gory by the jury of in­ter­na­tional experts pre­sid­ing over the 2023 German Design Awards. These con­sti­tute the premium in­ter­na­tional dis­tinc­tion ob­tain­able from the German Design Council. Their ob­jec­tive: to dis­cover, present and honour unique design trends.

The FSB 1289 product col­lec­tion was born of a will to create an up-to-theminute design endowed with a degree of formal co­he­sion en­abling it to be com­bined with the ex­ist­ing product port­fo­lio whilst nev­er­the­less being sur­pris­ing in some ways. “We were intent on coming up with a design that is not loud and yet con­tains many points of fine detail that become ap­par­ent either upon closer in­spec­tion or when the handle is taken hold of and op­er­ated”, de­signer Markus Michal­ski ex­plains. What you first see when be­hold­ing the handle is its lean, pared-down shape, but upon taking hold of it with your hand, it is found to be sat­is­fy­ingly bulky at the back, a fact most con­ducive to er­gonomic op­er­a­tion. The styl­is­tic feat that makes Michal­ski and Schmidt’s handle so ex­cit­ing is the way it suc­ceeds in being re­strained and em­i­nently in­no­v­a­tive in equal measure.

The mix of strik­ing looks and clean lines that sets the FSB 1289 model apart has now also swayed the jury of experts pre­sid­ing over the German Design Awards, who have voted it a “Winner” in the “Ex­cel­lent Product Design – Build­ing and El­e­ments” cat­e­gory:

“The FSB 1289/1290 model is stun­ningly clean-lined with an array of fine formal detail that en­gen­ders pleas­ant haptic prop­er­ties and in­ter­acts to lend the handle its very own dis­tinc­tively time­less iden­tity,” was how the jury for­mu­lated its de­ci­sion.

Germany’s Design Council has served as a glob­ally leading centre of ex­per­tise for com­mu­ni­ca­tion and the trans­fer of knowl­edge in the spheres of design, brands and in­no­va­tion since 1953. The German Design Awards launched in 2012 are the in­sti­tu­tion’s premium in­ter­na­tional dis­tinc­tion. Their ob­jec­tive: to dis­cover, present and honour unique design trends. Top-notch entries from the worlds of product and com­mu­ni­ca­tion design are singled out each year, all of them ground-break­ing prod­ucts from the in­ter­na­tional design scene.

The Winner’s ac­co­lade in the 2023 German Design Awards crowns a year crammed with pres­ti­gious awards gar­nered by Franz Schnei­der Brakel GmbH + Co KG for its prod­ucts.

Crown­ing glory: here are the awards and honours that came FSB’s way in 2022
The FSB 1289 product range was only very re­cently ho­n­oured with the ac­claimed GOOD DESIGN® Award 2022, pre­sented by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Ar­chi­tec­ture and Design and The Eu­ro­pean Centre for Ar­chi­tec­ture Art Design and Urban Studies. The same FSB 1289 model was ad­di­tion­ally voted “Best of Best” in the “Product – Build­ing Tech­nolo­gies” cat­e­gory at the “Iconic Awards 2022: In­no­v­a­tive Ar­chi­tec­ture” event – as well as coming first in online voting for the “bdia aus­ge­sucht!” award run by the Fed­er­a­tion of German In­te­rior De­sign­ers. The Franz Schnei­der Brakel GmbH + Co KG en­ter­prise won the “Gold” prize in the “Hard­ware” cat­e­gory at the “Ar­chi­tects’ Darling” contest and was voted Sup­plier of the Year in the “Product Quality” cat­e­gory in the “Kleiner Gustav” com­pe­ti­tion run by Euro Baubeschlag Handel AG (EBH).

Lowdown on FSB
FSB is a global byword for door and window handles of supreme aes­thetic and func­tional quality. Spe­cial­ist ex­per­tise amassed over the past 140 years and more has ad­di­tion­ally given rise to bar­rier-free fitment systems that make it easier to ne­go­ti­ate in­te­rior spaces. Ar­chi­tects and builders’ clients relish reach­ing out for prod­ucts made in Germany as a matter of course in recog­ni­tion of FSB’s great design ex­per­tise and pro­found un­der­stand­ing of the re­quire­ments of modern con­struc­tion. Every­thing in any way as­so­ci­ated with handle culture in built spaces is catered to from a single source

Franz Schnei­der
Brakel GmbH + Co KG

Anne Levy
Nieheimer Straße 38
33034 Brakel
Telefon: +49 5272 608-105


In­ter­na­tional Press Kit (E, Fr, Nl):