Hardware for special doors

Always at hand in an emergency

FSB is your re­li­able partner for prod­ucts related to grip­ping. We spe­cial­ize in pro­vid­ing high-qual­ity so­lu­tions for various ap­pli­ca­tion areas, in­clud­ing special doors such as sliding doors, doors for gym­na­si­ums, and emer­gency exit doors. Dis­cover our ex­ten­sive se­lec­tion and benefit from our com­pre­hen­sive one-stop service.

Overview FSB hardware for special doors and functional doors

Sliding door handles

The perfect com­bi­na­tion of design and func­tion­al­ity: our sliding door handles impress with a wide range of round and angular vari­ants as well as a wide range of in­di­vid­ual color com­bi­na­tions. Add an elegant and func­tional touch to your doors with our sliding door shells. The unique design, user-friendly op­er­a­tion and dura­bil­ity make them the perfect choice for your sliding doors. Explore our diverse se­lec­tion now and ex­pe­ri­ence the sym­bio­sis of design and func­tion­al­ity.

Fit­tings for cor­rec­tional, foren­sic and psy­chi­atric fa­cil­i­ties

FSB is a trusted sup­plier of prod­ucts for cor­rec­tional, foren­sic and psy­chi­atric fa­cil­i­ties. Our custom hard­ware and equip­ment com­po­nents from Brakel meet the highest se­cu­rity stan­dards in terms of op­er­abil­ity, ro­bust­ness, break­out and vandal re­sis­tance, and sui­cide-re­sis­tant design. With cus­tomized so­lu­tions, we un­der­stand the unique needs of these fa­cil­i­ties while en­sur­ing a high level of user-friend­li­ness.