Door and window hardware

Your hand tool for architecture

Our con­vic­tion: Door and window handles in harmony with the ar­chi­tec­ture. When choos­ing a door or window handle, it is crucial for us that it fits har­mo­niously with the sur­round­ing ar­chi­tec­ture. The handle is an element that com­presses the lan­guage of the room and sig­nif­i­cantly shapes its design. In our ex­ten­sive FSB range, you will find designs that match con­tem­po­rary and classic ar­chi­tec­ture in all its facets.

High-quality lever handles, glass door fittings and more - FSB for builder:inside and architect:inside

FSB offers a wide se­lec­tion of high-qual­ity door handles, glass door fit­tings, knobs, window handles and push-in handles for builders:inside and ar­chi­tects:inside. Our prod­ucts combine form, ma­te­r­ial and func­tion in a well thought-out and ver­sa­tile design phi­los­o­phy. Each of our door handles has a unique char­ac­ter and blends per­fectly with the user's hand and the sur­round­ing ar­chi­tec­ture. Our care­fully co­or­di­nated range forms a har­mo­nious product family.

For normal in­te­rior doors with low to medium stress, we rec­om­mend our FSB ASL® object fit­tings with ad­vanced adapter tech­nol­ogy that set new stan­dards. These so­lu­tions offer the perfect com­bi­na­tion of func­tion­al­ity and design. For heavy-duty doors in com­mer­cial build­ings, FSB AGL com­pen­sat­ing bearing tech­nol­ogy is avail­able with an in­creased tensile load and a con­tin­u­ous func­tion of 1.5 million tested cycles. Nat­u­rally also in fire pro­tec­tion design and se­lected models for escape doors.

Our product range also in­cludes hard­ware so­lu­tions that pick up on the current trend of flush in­te­gra­tion of func­tional parts in doors. With these prod­ucts, you can set ar­chi­tec­tural accents and make your rooms even more at­trac­tive. Dis­cover the di­ver­sity of our prod­ucts and be in­spired by our passion for ar­chi­tec­ture. We would like to help you grasp ar­chi­tec­ture and make your visions come true.

Overview of our fittings for doors and windows

Con­sis­tent design for doors and windows - FSB product fam­i­lies.

Our product fam­i­lies enable con­sis­tent and at­trac­tive fit­tings for all doors and windows in a build­ing. Each of our lever handles is dis­tin­guished by its in­di­vid­ual char­ac­ter and blends in per­fectly with the user's hand and the sur­round­ing ar­chi­tec­ture. Our co­or­di­nated product family in­cludes glass door hard­ware, lever handles for framed doors, knobs and window handles. Dis­cover the wide range of pos­si­bil­i­ties to create a har­mo­nious design concept for your doors and windows.

Variety of window handles for every need - Dis­cover our as­sort­ment

In terms of form and func­tion­al­ity, our ex­ten­sive range offers a variety of con­vinc­ing answers - in­clud­ing window handles in more than 35 design vari­ants with oval or angular rosettes. In ad­di­tion, you will find tech­ni­cal-func­tional designs for dif­fer­ent ap­pli­ca­tion sce­nar­ios. Whether lock­able, latch­able or lock­able, our window handles are de­signed to last and be a joy to use. Dis­cover the diverse pos­si­bil­i­ties of our window handles now.

Bril­liant el­e­gance: Ex­pe­ri­ence our high-qual­ity glass door fit­tings

Glass plays a sig­nif­i­cant role in ar­chi­tec­ture and is also be­com­ing in­creas­ingly popular in in­te­rior design. Sliding glass doors in par­tic­u­lar con­tribute to space ef­fi­ciency and optimum use of small rooms. At FSB, you will find a range of high-qual­ity and con­vinc­ing hard­ware that meets the highest demands in terms of both form and func­tion. Dis­cover our diverse so­lu­tions for glass doors in all their ver­sa­til­ity now.

Knob handles, door knobs and knob back­plates

Knob handles, door knobs and knob back­plates deserve more at­ten­tion than they cur­rently receive. Al­though they don't offer the same er­gonomic ben­e­fits as door handles, they are often un­der­es­ti­mated and over­shad­owed by pro­tec­tive hard­ware or solid door handles, es­pe­cially on entry doors. Dis­cover a ver­sa­tile se­lec­tion of high-qual­ity knob handles, door knobs and knob plates for your in­di­vid­ual needs with us.

High-qual­ity narrow stile door hard­ware for a con­sis­tent design concept

Our product fam­i­lies offer com­pre­hen­sive fit­tings for doors and windows, in­clud­ing framed doors made of metal or plastic. We ensure a con­sis­tent design in terms of the chosen design. Our narrow stile door hard­ware door hard­ware comes with special mount­ing hard­ware to meet the unique re­quire­ments of framed doors. Dis­cover our high-qual­ity framed door hard­ware now and com­plete your design concept.

Design and safety com­bined: dis­cover our ex­cel­lent lift and slide door handles.

FSB's lifting and sliding door handles inspire with their im­pres­sive design, high-qual­ity ma­te­ri­als and in­no­v­a­tive tech­nol­ogy. Our se­lected handle designs in alu­minum, stain­less steel or bronze con­tinue the uniform design of our product fam­i­lies on patio doors as well. In ad­di­tion to in­di­vid­ual taste, we also attach great im­por­tance to se­cu­rity. Dis­cover our ver­sa­tile lift and slide door handles now and enrich your home with design and func­tion­al­ity.

Ver­sa­tile plug-in handles for in­te­rior doors and windows - func­tion and style com­bined

Our high-qual­ity push-in handles are the perfect min­i­mal­ist so­lu­tion for opening and closing in­te­rior doors and windows. Whether you prefer modern and clean designs or tra­di­tional and ornate handle options, we offer a wide range of options to suit all needs and tastes. Dis­cover our ver­sa­tile push-in handles now and add func­tion and style to your in­te­rior doors and windows.